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  • Writer's pictureLibby Yi

Blog 2 | Mission Statement

The Big Questions

Who are you, and what’s your story? I am a woman, Asian American, Californian-turned-Coloradan, first-generation Korean, traveler, designer

What do you believe in? I would describe myself as kind, compassionate, and eager to learn and understand people and subjects. I believe in growing and evolving in my ideas and beliefs and being challenged. I believe in supporting one another and lifting each other up.

What makes you different from other people in your field? I feel like my heritage and life experiences as a person have given me a mature view of the world and this compassion and maturity I have developed over time has allowed me to connect with all kinds of diverse groups of people. I think that since I am able to connect and my desire to grow and sympathize with people allows me to be a good designer. Design is all about people's response to something, and if I can create something with the mindset of connecting to people and bringing their visions to life then that can set me apart.

The Process

In creating my mission statement, I decided to jot down my thoughts and writings by hand in my notebook. I noticed I talk a great deal about my family and friends as they are the most important people in my life. But I also notices that I talk a lot about empowerment and social justice, which is also something that I care a great deal about. I have a strong belief that if we put in the effort to try and understand one another, we create power.

My (Rough) Mission Statement

I create motion pieces to tell stories and bring visions to life. With curiosity and an eagerness to empower those around me, I create work that celebrates ideas in a well researched and designed manner.

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